Sri Ramana Gita

This is my last book review. After more than 30 years of searching and reading hundreds of great books, it is time to be quiet and just be That which we always were and ever shall be. I’ve never before seen so much Truth, Beauty, and Wisdom in a single book and so this is a good place to call a halt to the meandering of the little mind and just let truth Be. As it is. I believe Ramana Maharshi is the greatest teacher of spiritual truth to have walked among us in the modern era. Sri Ramana Gita is the complete guide to this great Sage’s life and teachings. This book was put together by a close associate and long time disciple of the great Sage Ramana. In fact, as the collecting and writing went on, the author reviewed each part with the Master himself so that no error would creep in or misunderstandings occur. The Maharshi’s words and teachings are here. As simple as opening a book and sitting down to read, a feast of great wisdom awaits the lucky enquirer. So what was the gist of this great Sage’s teaching? “Distracted as we are by various thoughts, if we would continually contemplate the Self, which is itself God, this single thought would in due course eliminate all distraction and would itself ultimately disappear. The pure consciousness that alone finally remains is God. This is liberation. To be constantly centered on one’s own all-perfect pure Self is the acme of yoga, wisdom, and all other forms of spiritual practice. Even though the mind wanders restlessly, involved in external matters, and so is forgetful of its own Self, one should remain alert and remember; ‘the body is not I’. Who am I? Inquire in this way, turning the mind backward to its primal state. The inquiry ‘who am I’ is the only method of putting an end to all misery and ushering in Supreme Beatitude. Whatever may be said, and however phrased, this is the whole truth in a nutshell”.

Author: Orva Schrock
Book Link: Sri Ramana Gita
Guru: Ramana Maharshi

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